Welcome to Fitriani Juwita's Blog

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sayonara #100DaysMission

Good Morning everyone!
I am sorry to say this. Actually, I didn't feel comfort when I should force myself to post something on my blog every single day. I felt that It's such a boring thing because I rarely got inspiration enough to write down here. hehe.
Okay, perhaps I would rather stop write something which made me irksome to do so. But I'll try to post something with my heart. :p #100DaysMission's posting end in 76 days mission, 24 days left.
Yet my #100DaysMission is still remaining and I'll try to do useful activities for 76 days later although I won't post it on here :)
Okay, that's all. I am happy to work with you #100DaysMission's posting, but goodbye!
I feel.. relief :)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Happy Ramadhan ! ^_^

82 days mission, 18 left

Assalamualaikum wr.wb !!

Hello Mina-san!! Gomennasai! I hadn't written a post every single day ago. Hontou gomennasai! I don't know why, I was too lazy to do these things. :(
Neither lot of task nor exams, I was doing nothing yesterday. I spent my spare time to watch drama, watch video, and reading toefl books of course. Yet It was simple thing to do, wasn't it?
 Ok, enough for verbose explaining. Now, I wanna talk about this great month! Yes, you're right It's Ramadhan month! The fasting month for Moslem all over the world.
I am so happy to meet Ramadhan. I am feeling very great. in This month we can look for getting blessing and gracing from Allah SWT. And of course doing praying and increasing our faithful so that we could able be a fabulous moslem :)
That's all..

I apologize for my whole mistakes. I hope we're able to get our victory. Thanks for reading. Wasslamualaikum wr.wb

Friday, July 5, 2013

Lazy Day..

96 Mission, 4 Days Left

Hello Everyone! Selamat Malam..
Malam ini, gue bakal ngepost tulisan gue dengan bahasa Indonesia! well, sebenarnya bakal campur-campur sama bahasa Inggris atau Jepang juga sih, intinya supaya terlihat keren! haha. Hmm just kidding, guys! tujuan utamanya bukan itu kok. Apa kalo tiap post-an gue berbahasa asing, gue jadi kelihatan belagu ya? Well, I just wanted to improve my skill in English and Japanese as well, I swear. Gua cuma pengen belajar lebih rajin tentang bahasa. Karena dengan membiasakan diri, maka kita akan semakin tebiasa menggunakannya. As we know that English is really important in this era. Kayaknya sekarang bahasa Inggris sudah menjadi suatu kebutuhan. meskipun bukan kebutuhan primer, namun apa salahnya untuk mencoba sesuatu diluar bahasa ibu :)

By the way, sebenernya gue bukan mau cerita tentang bahasa inggris. Now I would like to share with you with what happened to me today. I begin to start this post with boring topic. haha. Gomenasai Mina-san! :p

Kali ini, gue merasa gue itu sangat tidak ada apa-apanya. Banyak sekali hal yang gue gak tau. Kenapa gue berpikir demikian? Karena akhir-akhir ini gue lumayan sering baca. Lho? Apa hubungannya? Okay, gue bakal jelasin maksud gue..

I often read books, articles, newspaper, etc recently. I have found lot of things which I didn't know before. Semakin gue banyak baca, semakin gue merasa gue ini bodoh banget. Kenapa? karena pas gue baca, gue ternyata menemukan fakta-fakta yang gue gak tau sebelumnya. Gue cuma bisa melohok melihat sesuatu yang gue baru tau. Misalnya :
Gue baru tau kalo ternyata kecoak bisa bertahan hidup 2 hari dengan tanpa kepalanya. Dan dia salah satu binatang yang susah mati! ckck (I hate cockroach)
Gue baru tau kalo penggunaan different from itu gak boleh, kalo mau menyatakan kontradiksi kita harus bilang different than.
Gue baru tau kalo ternyata bahasa inggris itu ribet banget. grammar itu sangat banyak aturan!\
Gue baru tau kalo ada berita kudeta mesir -__-
dan lain sebagainya..
It's fool enough, isn't it?

Well yeah, now I should force my self to read one article per day. Supaya gue gak ketinggalan berita lagi.. It's able to make me know the newest issue.
Yoyoyo semangat perubahan!!!!
Gue harus lebih sering baca buku, baik itu buku kuliah, jurnal, artikel, koran, majalah, komik (:p) dan lainnya.

Hm.. yah hari ini gue cuma kuliah dari jam 07.00-09.30. setelahnya, gue online dan download lagu. hontou baka ne! (-_-")
rencananya sih, hari ini mau dijadikan hari santai dulu. Besok, harus sudah mulai kerja rodi lagi dengan berbagai kegiatan yang padat (sok artis :p)
that's enough for today's post!
Oh ya, gue lupa. My uncle (didik) has entered Junior High School, and he got JHS 3 Bandung, the same school as my student, Arinda. Semoga di SMP 3, pamanku yang dulunya malas ini berubah menjadi lebih rajin. semoga ia menjadi anak yang semakin baik dan lebih mandiri. Aamiin.

Enough for today! Ja mata ne! Mata Ashita!!! \(^o^)/

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Sekai No Owari - inori

97 Days Mission, 3 Days Left

Hallo Minna-san!! Konbanwa!
Don't worry, I won't talk about boring topic. haha. Tonight I would like to talk about Sekai No Owari, Japanese Band which I liked nowadays. This Band is pretty unique, either video clips or musics are definitely fantastic! :D
This Band consist of four members. Those are Fukase Kei (Vocal, Guitar), Nakajima Sinchi (Guitar), Fujisaki Saori (Keyboard), and DJ LOVE. The thing that make this band unique is the mascot of this band, he is DJ LOVE. DJ love is used to wearing clown mask and all fans don't know his face for real. haha :D
Sekai no Owari has released five single Album. The single which I like so much is INORI! If you want to know how does it work, you can watch this music video :)

 Sekai no Owari - INORI

That's all for today, bye bye! ^_^

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What's The Tittle of This Post?

98 days mission, 2 days left

Hello Minna-san! Good evening! :)
As I did yesterday and a few days ago, Today I'm gonna tell you about what I've don. Well yeah, It's boring enough for one who reads every post of me, but I feel fine myself haha. So perhaps I don't care if people said my blog is full with boring topics! haha
But hmm.. Maybe, I won't only post every particular of my daily life, but I will post something I've created, research I've written, Poetry, The song I've made, and etc in order to make it little interesting and little bit colorful. haha :p
Today I have finished chapter two in TOEFL book! So happy!! :D
I also have washed my clothes and Iron my old clothes and I've looked for sources for my research. :)
By the way, I decided not to go to campus this day. So I enjoyed holiday at my Aunt's home even I was alone at home.
Hmm,, It's boring enough, isn't it? haha. I don't know what's tittle convenient with my activities today so that I named it "What's the tittle of this post?" haha.
This is today's picture! 

I and my notebook, Kyuuto.

Tomorrow should be better than today!! Bye bye :)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

New Research is more Passionate

99 Days Mission, 1 days left

Hallo Mina-san, Konbanwa!
Tonight I would like to share my activities.
Well yeah Alhamdulillah It's being better than yesterday. I could restrict my behavior so that I was able to breath relieved . Huaaahhh... *bad smell*
Today, I went to library again. It looked like I was nerd, didn't it? hehe
I changed my research plan, I look for the more interesting one. And I found one book that I liked to be investigated. That book's tittle was "Accelerated Learning" yet the tittle was not as short as I said, I just took the main topic of that book. haha That book told me how to accelerate one material of mathematics learning with fun method so that Children could really enjoy to study with faster system of learning. I was so excited to research it deeper than the author did. haha. I hope I could do better than her. I finished read that script and tried hard to get the main point. And I didn't forget to write the sources in order I could expand it :)
Okay, Perhaps the first target of yesterday clear, yet I haven't written it more detail. But It was good enough for beginning :D
Anyway, I didn't wash my clothes and iron my clothes. hupet. It's because I was in campus all day. hehe. But latter I'll do it.
I also read TOEFL book for several pages. but actually I read it so clear, yet I couldn't finish it until chapter 2. -____-
Yippie!!! I could take control my self not to open twitter and facebook all day! I was so happy because this achievement! haha. I hope tomorrow I could do it as well.
I have read 1 article although I hardly find difficult vocab. I just got 3 difficult vocab. Perhaps that article was written for teenager. ahhaha. Tomorrow I should read difficult one!
Here's today's picture :

I was in the middle of bookcase look for research book

I read script carefully, I look like dilegent one, do I? :p

That's enough for today, Honestly I wrote it earlier because I have felt sleepy tonight. (>.<)
Tomorrow I should :
1. Washing clothes and Iron the clothes
2. Complete my research
3. Finish chapter two of TOEFL
4. Doing homework of StructAl
5. Read one article and find difficult vocab and memorize it

I don't know whether I will go to campus or no for tomorrow, because tomorrow there's no any subject at all. Hm. I haven't decided yet. haha
Thanks for reading! See ya tomorrow.! :D

Monday, July 1, 2013

Look for Research Book

100 days mission

Hello everyone! Good night!
As I said in this morning, I will tell to you all about what I've done today. It was not as good as I expected yet I did several productive activities perhaps.
In the morning, I went to campus about 8.30 a.m. even though there was no any subject this day, but I did it because I had several list to do at my campus so that I decided to go.
On the way to campus, I reviewed mini test of TOEFL, and It was clear enough for chapter one but I really felt disappointed because I couldn't clear it all. :(
When I had arrived at Campus, I immediately went to Curriculatorium. I went to that place because I wanted to look for "a problem" it was a Research Method assignment. In that place, I found great book It's about Teaching method for Mathematics and Science, I found a few great tittle but I couldn't read it clearly because Curriculatorium would be closed  by librarian who would enter her class. And the more disappointed thing was That book couldn't be lent. OHH Poor.. Because I didn't want I had no result so that I borrowed the other book. The tittle was boring enough but I little bit read it and really enjoyed reading. It was about "Explore your world with Science Discovery", how was it not boring right? haha
After I had been regret because I couldn't lend the book I wanted, then I went to UPI's Library. This Library is a big one. But well yeah, The Library was closed until 12.30 p.m. and the clock showed 10 a.m at that time. How pity I was. :(
Well, I waited for Library's opening. I felt so lucky because there were few of my friends there, so I waited patiently while talking with friends about lots of topics.
And after Library was opened, I went into that place and looked for rack of script to find what I needed before. And I found one of script that took my eyes in it. The tittle is "Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya Transaktif untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Penalaran Induktif Matematika Siswa SMP" written by Anita Rahayu, 053643. I finished read that script and Alhamdulillah I found enlightenment about how to find a problem, how to investigate the problem, and how to solve it. It was quite difficult but as long as we faced and enjoyed it perhaps It could be such a fun research. :)
After I already complete my assignment, I finally went home. But the worst thing that I did today is Yeah, I am unforgivable. I didn't do my StructAl homework and I did 'something bad', I am sorry God.. :(
And I still open facebook and twitter more often. :(

Okay, tomorrow should be better than today!
I should :
1. Finish learning Toefl.
2. Do a homework diligently
3. Completing my Metlit assignment
4. Shouldn't open twitter and facebook all day
5. Finish my home assignment (washing clothes and iron my clothes) -_-
6. Save money as well as possible
7. Read one article and memorize at least 10 vocab.

That's all. I expect I will do what I plan today. Bismillah....
Thanks for reading.
Anyway, this is today's picture!

I and my Science Discovery 2 Book

Thanks for reading!
See you tomorrow!! :)

Today is THE DAY

Asssalamualaikum wr.wb

Minna-san, Ohaiyou Gozaimasu!
Today is July 1st 2013 which means This day is The first day of #100DaysMission. I have to prepare everything I need in order I can make this day being a productive day until 100 days latter.
By the way, Today is Monday. People commonly hate Monday, but not for me. Because I try to love all day I faced, though sometime I hate Monday as well. haha.
Okay, perhaps It's just a beginning for today! InsyaAllah, I will share what I've done today. I hope my expectation will be same as my imagination.
today's banner :
today should be a productive day

Note : The Day doesn't mean something or someone in code, but The Day here means the day for #100DaysMission. So I hope you will never think peculiar. hehe :D


Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.