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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Birthday, Fitykuuuuu :*

Hontou arigatou Mina-san!
Alhamdulillah I'm still alive and could enjoy until this age! Allah always gives the best for me, safe me, bless me, and give everything to me :')
It's obviously the greatest blessing and gracing from Allah that I always have!
20 years old.. older, wiser, smarter, more respectable, richer, harder in working, more and more in everything.. aamiin ya Robb..
Thank you for everyone who always remember, who gives sincere of praying for me, thanks a lot :)
Although there's no something special for my birthday in this year, but I should grateful as always.. :')

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I want it, yes I want it! (PPAN 2013)

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Ohayo Gozaimasu mina-san!
Today is Tuesday morning, and I'm getting holiday! yippie!! \(^o^)/
Yes, It's a day for Hinduism or called "Nyepi". Although I don't celebrate 'Nyepi day' but I just take a holiday happily ahahahahaha (lot of laugh :p)
Okay, today I'll share to you all about what I did long long day ago. (read : last week)
On March, 3rd 2013 I attended Open House 'Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara (PPAN)' handled by PCMI (Purna Caraka Muda Indonesia) West Java Province.
I attended it because I was really excited join that program.
There were some explanation which made my passion grown up! There were 5 programs which have different characterization, event, and destination.
One program that made me interested in is SSEAYP (Ship of South East Asian Youth Program). that program take a route to Japan, and around South East country.
You know, I've been really passionate with Japan when I was still in Junior High School! It's been long time ago. :') but now, I'm still interested :D
Ok, back to the topic!
at that Open House, I got lots of information. The Open House was attended by all youth around west Java. and I am the one who came from the other countries* (*I meant province :p)
During the explanation, there's no program which made me boring. Because, all was sugoii!! (sugoii = great). After all programs had explained their event, characteristic, and destination, we youth got ice breaking to make us had some enjoyment because we'd already sat more than 2 hours. Perhaps, they (committe who handle it) didn't want us getting some terrible with our ass. wkwk :p
this ice breaking named "suit Jepang",

1. the one who won would became a duck and the others would become an egg.
2. if duck met with duck the should 'suit' again. then the one who won becoming Monkey. another still became a duck.
3. If monkey met monkey they should 'suit' again. then the one who won becoming dinosaurus. another still became monkey.
4. if Dinosaurus met dinosaurus they should 'suit' again and the one who won become human.

that's all, I can't explain it in detail -___-

After we got an ice breaking, question session was opened. There were 3 youths who wanted to give a question. I also wanted, but I didn't get any chance. (sad)

After the youths gave some questions, the alumni answered it clearly. Question session was over, if we wanted to get more information we could get it with asking question to the alumni after the event was over.
Before the event was over, we got ice breaking again.
The committe ask 5 youths who thought they're creative. Although I was not creative one, but I wanted to examine my brave in front of all. (read : no shame)
finally there were 5 youths who thought they were creative. included me :p
we were demanded to show our creativity. everything like singing, dancing, reading a poem, and others. Then I chose 'dancing'. Though I felt ashamed, bu becoming exist? why not? wkwk
And then, in the end I became the most creative youth and getting the majority applause :p
 And I got these gifts from the committe.

in the end of Open House, we got so many explanation about all program from Alumni. I was really exited knowing SSEAYP. I hope that I could be the one who get it. Aamiin.
Even though, I don't register the program this year. but I'm sure I'll get SSEAYP in 2015!

pray for me, folks. I hope Allah bless me always. lot of thanks for reading, folks :)

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb